The Indian Association of Luxembourg is active throughout the year in organizing social and cultural events for the community. We celebrate some important Indian festivals through social evenings as well as organize concerts and dances. For those of you with kids, IAL provides a platform to show case their talents and expose them to Indian culture. We also participate in fetes organized by the International Community of Luxembourg to raise funds for charitable and humanitarian causes.


The Executive Committee consists of dedicated volunteers that organize the activities of the Association. The Executive Committee informs the members about current and forthcoming events as well as other matters of interest through regular circulars.


14 April 1991:

Through the sustained efforts of Mrs & Mr Ambi Venkataraman, who collected a data of people of Indian origin and friends of India residing in Luxembourg, an informal meeting of close to 200 participants was held at Salle des Fêtes, Holzem, Luxembourg to discuss the need to form an association to provide a social forum, promote cultural activities and engage in charitable works.

Inauguration of Indian Association Luxembourg asbl at Centre Culturel Capellen, Luxembourg by Ambassador of India to Belgium, Luxembourg and EU His Excellency Sen Gupta.

Founding Members

  • Mr. Ambi Venkataraman
  • Mr. Amrat Patel
  • Mrs. Anita Kohli
  • Mrs. Damyanti Patel
  • Mrs. Geetha Venkataraman
  • Mr. Jaffer Sherwani
  • Mr. Jhangoo Daruwalla
  • Mrs. Linda Barosee
  • Mrs. Mary George-Schumann
  • Mrs. Neelam Shringarpure
  • Mrs. Purnima Radeshwar
  • Mr. Ranganathan Yogeshwar
  • Mr. Vijay Shringarpure