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Indian Association Luxembourg asbl (IAL) is a non-profit making cultural organisation incorporated in 1991. IAL’s mission is to enhance awareness of the rich heritage of India to our hosts and fellow communities in Luxembourg through various events celebrating the major festivals of India and music concerts throughout the year. Equally important, IAL strives to provide a platform for social interaction, encouraging understanding and acceptance of other cultures and values. Feel free to join us in order to keep in touch with our news and events.
Working Together For A
Better Community.
Enhance awareness of the rich heritage
of India to our hosts and fellow
communities in Luxembourg.
Provide a platform for social
interaction, encouraging understanding
and acceptance of other cultures
and values.
About Us
To promote
To promote and serve as a social and cultural platform for the Indian community.
To create
To create awareness and friendships between the Indian and International community.
To preserve
To preserve, promote and nurture the multicultural aspect of India.
To contribute
To contribute to the social and cultural life of Luxembourg.
To support
To support humanitarian causes.
What We Do
Become a Member
Become a Member
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To preserve
To preserve, promote and nurture the multicultural aspect of India.
To contribute
To contribute to the social and cultural life of Luxembourg.
To support
To support humanitarian causes.